Our Service Approach
We guide and assist organizations throughout their data journey!
Thank you for your interest in KYD Analytics
+44(0) 20 4534 3904
The process
Diagnoze and measure
Analysing data capabilities,giving them a metric and recommending uplift activities.
Plan and implement
Introducing and implementing new capabilities into the organization.
Optimize and automate
Developing efficiencies and automation for existing capabilities and tools.
Train and sustain
Education and expert advice to help organization embrace and embed Data’s best practices.
What can we help you in?
Structured:Ingest data into the platform,analyse data for risks,return data back to customer organizations.
Unstructured-Scan documents to extract the content,unlock the value of data.
Machine learning models-Finding suspicious or outliern activities within a dataset.
- We exclusively focus on data
- We are practitioners rather than generic consultants
- We have a blend of expertise
- We work collaboratively with our clients
- We have worked with organizations at all stages of their data journey
- Our clients range from big 4,multinational banks and smaller organizations.